Many people have heard of the "plantar fascia" on the bottom of their feet, but fascia is a type of connective tissue that takes many forms (thick or thin, spongy or firm, stretchy or rigid, web-like or impermeable, etc.) and is everywhere. Dr. Rolf called fascia the "organ of structure" and the medical and scientific communities are beginning to consider it as the "13th system" of the body. Multiple interconnecting fascial layers span the body and are the element of human development that gives the fetus, and then our adult body, its shape and structure. Our bones do not hold up or form the shape of our living body- our fascia does! Fascia's elasticity, malleability and plasticity are what make both movement and strength possible.
Unfortunately, our body's fascia can become "stuck", rigid, inflexible, inflamed, torn, or matted down and lose its natural elasticity over time due to repetitive stress, disease, trauma or injury, inflammation, postural habits, aging, or not receiving sufficient oxygen and nutrients as a living tissue. When this happens, specific areas of the body may experience pain, numbness, restrictions or lack of mobility, and over time, the effects will be felt throughout the body. The fascial network and our entire body is a highly complex musculoskeletal system where other parts naturally adapt, compensate, and react to impediments in one area, thus causing a chain reaction of escalating problems and dysfunction. Restrictions in fascia can even impact local pulmonary, neurological or vascular function (or conversely, pulmonary, neurological or vascular issues can impact the health of fascia).
Rolfing® structural integration is a proven specialised form of manual therapy that was created by Dr. Ida Rolf in the 1950's-1970's to specifically target and heal fascial restrictions and re-align the human form in gravity, thus allowing you to live more optimally, freely and fully in your body.
Although massage therapists, PTs, kinesiologists, chiropractors, acupuncturists, osteopaths, and other specialists can sometimes address aspects of fascia directly or indirectly through their modalities, Rolfing® structural integration in the lineage of Dr. Ida Rolf focuses specifically on fascia and aligning the entire myofascial network across the body towards its intended and optimal function. And unlike other forms of bodywork, Rolfing® treatments can have long-lasting benefits and effects. Some changes are permanent and will last a lifetime; others may last weeks, months or years, based on your lifestyle and habits. It takes the body time to heal and integrate. Rolfing® works by helping your own body's ability to heal through supported re-alignment and mobilisation. If you want to learn more about Rolfing®, visit the DIRI website:
Dr. Rolf working on a client. Photo Credit: David Kirk-Campbell
The truth is, almost ANYONE! There is not a human (or animal) who cannot benefit from improved fascial adaptability and alignment, from infants to seniors. However, some people suffer from more physical restrictions, aches and pains than others, or may depend on their body to function optimally for their livelihood or chosen lifestyle.
Rolfing® can often provide profound benefits for many people and conditions:
athletes of all types,
anyone with...
auto-immune and neurological diseases,
systemic inflammation and chronic pain,
recovery from old injuries,
spinal misalignments,
"text neck" and phone or computer-related repetitive strain injuries,
TMJ or chronic neck/ shoulder pain,
and anyone who feels the stresses and tensions of modern life that we carry in our bodies and can lead to so many debilitating and chronic health issues.
Many times, people come to Rolfing® after they've tried multiple other therapies and approaches because either the other approaches didn't completely address their issues, or because Rolfers™ are highly specialized and less well-known: there are only a few hundred Rolfers in the entire world and only a handful in Toronto.
Rolfing® can be a highly beneficial complementary therapy to other therapies and movement programs, including chiropractic, PT, massage, acupuncture, yoga, pilates, swimming, personal training and more. Rolfers™ are also trained to work in areas of the body that other therapists are trained to avoid, particularly areas of concentrated connective tissue and increased neurovascular activity in the underarms, the clavicle, abdomen, sacrum, all parts of the neck, the mouth, nose, ears, knees and more.
Rolfing® is not right for everyone. If you have active illness, a communicable disease or condition of any kind, unknown rashes or skin infections, do not book a Rolfing® session. Although Rolfing® can help with breaking up scar tissue, if you are recovering from a major surgery, you should wait at least 6 months for any surgical site to heal before getting Rolfing® in that area. If you get chronic treatments for cancer, auto-immune conditions, neurological disorders, diabetes or any other conditions and are wondering if Rolfing® is right for you, reach out or book an evaluation call to discuss.
Additionally, please note that at Eva Watson Rolfing, we cannot treat children under 10 or individuals who are over 240 lbs/ 110kg and/ or over 6' 4"/ 193cm tall due to the small size of the practitioner.
Rolfing® is a form of manual therapy (bodywork) that is designed to be delivered in a systematic sequence of 10-13 sessions that in totality, touch every major fascial network and aspect of your entire body. The sessions are intended to be delivered over many weeks or months. The sessions have a cumulative effect and have been scientifically sequenced, structured, and refined over decades for optimal lasting benefits and results. At the same time, each of the sessions are highly adaptable and will be tailored by the Rolfer to your unique needs, concerns and your body's responsiveness.
Each session has a specific focus area while also remaining holistic and covering multiple areas of the body during the session. The focus of each session will be discussed with you as you progress during the series, but broadly, the baseline series of 10 sessions is structured as follows:
1: Introduction & Upper Body session with primary focus on chest, neck, arms, hands and upper back;
2. Lower Body session with primary focus on feet and lower legs;
3. Core / integration session with primary focus on your side body, from knees, thighs, QL and hips to ribs and underarms;
4. Upper legs with focus on attachments and compartments of major posterior muscle groups - lateral rotators, adductors, and hamstrings
5. Front body with focus on ribs, abdomen, psoas and thighs,
6. Back body with focus on the back, spine and sacrum,
7. Dedicated Head, Sensory Organs & Neck session;
8-9. Integration Sessions that will be tailored to your needs, and
10. Closing session focused on optimal postural alignment.
Although Rolfing® is designed to be optimally delivered as a series, you can also experience Rolfing® and start to feel its benefits in just one session. A one-off or Introductory session will be considered as the first session in a series if you decide to continue. One-off sessions are also booked by clients who have already gone through the 10-series as "tune-ups".
A "mini-series" of 3-4 sessions can also be pursued to start, which is broadly structured as: 1. Introduction & Upper Body session; 2. Lower Body session; and 3. 1-2 Core and integration sessions.
Eva Watson Rolfing offers free 15 minute video or phone evaluation calls also to discuss your needs and determine if Rolfing® is a good fit for you.
Almost all Rolfing® sessions start with evaluations, then manual therapy work with the client lying on a table, then re-evaluations and closing work while seated on a bench. At Eva Watson Rolfing in Toronto, our sessions are between 95-115 minutes and always include dedicated neck and shoulder work during each session, as well as time for client education and suggested movement activities to perform at home. You should budget for a 2 hour session, not including changing your clothes.
Rolfing® has a reputation for being painful. In truth, some parts of a few sessions may be a bit uncomfortable in the moment, but those sensations should quickly dissipate. Most clients find Rolfing® enjoyable and either deeply relaxing or occasionally, energizing. The focus is on long-term changes, and techniques are adapted based on client preferences and responses. Pain is neither the goal, nor a hallmark of either a good or bad session. Rolfing® techniques have evolved over the decades and now involve active client engagement through guided movements while the practitioner is working. This is intended to help increase awareness and improved kinesthetic activation of these regions. The Rolfer is your guide, but you as the client are always the driver.
After a session, you may feel tired. Drinking lots of water is always important. Ideal activities are walking for 15-30 minutes immediately after to experience and tune in to how your body feels and moves after the work in order to fully integrate it. Do NOT immediately attempt vigorous exercise. If you feel any pain or discomfort, particularly after 24 hours, message your Rolfer to discuss.
Rolfing® is performed with the recipient minimally clothed. Optimal clothing are bathing suits, bra and underwear, tank top and shorts, or similar attire. Avoid long leggings and long sleeved shirts. Unlike in massage, the client will not always be fully draped with a top sheet, but genitalia and breasts will always remain covered at all times. You should come to the session with appropriate clothes on or ready to change beforehand. There are bathrooms and private areas to change at all locations.
You should also be well-bathed and clean, including your private parts, and having brushed your teeth. Do not wear excessive perfumes, body sprays, and avoid having just smoked anything, or having eaten excessive onions, garlic or other foods that may be unpalatable for your practitioner to smell in close proximity. If you are concerned about COVID or colds/flu, you can wear a mask and ask the practitioner to wear a mask. Masks are available.
Do not attend a session under the influence of any drugs or alcohol, including marijuana, as Rolfing® requires active, sober participation and presence on the part of the recipient. As you may be lying in various positions, also try to avoid eating a large meal at least 45 minutes before a session, and arrive having already used the toilet.
DO NOT EVER attend a session if you are feeling ill or unwell, have active sickness or infections, have symptoms like intense headache, fever, sweating, chills, cough, sniffles, sneezing, nausea, indigestion, bathroom urgency, or have rashes or skin diseases that are communicable or of unknown origin. You risk getting your practitioner sick and all other patients of the practitioner sick. if you arrive sick for a session, the practitioner has the right to cancel the session and charge you in full.