"This is the Gospel of Rolfing: When the body gets working appropriately, the force of gravity can flow through. Then, spontaneously, the body heals itself."

- Dr. Ida Rolf

Seeing is Believing.

Before and after each Rolfing® session, we assess and evaluate your current structure and postural alignment to gauge your progress. Here are a few examples of changes in real clients over a 6-10 week period. One side shows prior to the first session; the second shows after a series of 10 sessions.


29 Year Old

Before Session 1 and after Session 10 over the course of two months. This individual suffered from tight upper shoulders and hips and imbalances in his left legs. Notice the changed positions of his shoulder blades, arms, legs and feet.

Client 1 Before-After

82 Year Old

3-way comparison before Session 1 in B&W and after Sessions 2 and 10 in color. Notice that even after only two sessions, there are significant changes. Sessions were compressed into an intensive 7-week series with 1-2 sessions a week. By Session 10, he stands significantly more upright, without bending forward or stooping. His shoulders are farther back, his hands and arms are less clenched, his ankles show visibly less swelling, his head and neck are aligned, and he appears taller.

Client 2 Before- After

38 Year Old

Before and After. Aside from improved posture and vertical alignment in the head, neck and shoulders, also notice that he appears thinner. This is a common outcome when optimal back, pelvic and abdominal alignment are achieved.

Example 3 Before-After

22 Year Old

Before and After. Notice she is much more aligned and upright in her neck and shoulders. As with the images above, proper alignment of the torso and pelvis also results in the perception of weight loss.

This young woman was very flexible, but was starting to suffer from neck and shoulder pain from slouching and the effects on the body of our digital lifestyle. Rolfing in late adolescence and early adulthood can provide the foundation for optimal alignment and postural patterns that can last a lifetime and can help prevent future repetitive strain injuries.